So, weird shit happens, right? Like, for example, when I got the file for the print cover of Training Season, I checked it over really well and it was all perfect. However, later, when I was doing some formatting, it came to my attention that the cover needed slightly altered to work with CreateSpace, so requested the change from the cover artist, who was very prompt with it. Unfortunately, I didn’t check the cover as well as I should have because I thought the only change being made to the file was one of size. Still, I should have checked every aspect a lot more closely than I did because…dun, dun, dun…I didn’t realize that the back cover had a blurb that wasn’t even remotely related to Training Season. Um, oops.
So, yeah, I clicked Publish with it that way.
Now I’ve got fifteen books with a blurb on the back about some woman named Elizabeth, her daughter Clare, and a dude named Nathan. Everything else about these copies is totally correct. I’ve looked at every page and the rest of the book, the front cover, etc, is absolutely accurate.
So, what to do with these fifteen screwed up copies? I guess give them away for free to anyone who’ll have ’em!
Reply below if you’re willing to home a copy of Training Season with a back blurb that’s all wrong. LOL! The first fifteen to reply will be sent these screwed up books for free. I’ll even sign them if you like, because apparently some people want signed copies of the books? (OMG, that blows my mind!) Um, and because I’m already losing money on this endeavor, please don’t hate me for restricting this to US folks only? I just don’t think I can afford international shipping for fifteen books when I’ve already paid for the books to be printed, etc.
Consider these rare collector’s editions? Or something? OMG this is embarrassing. Hello, my name is Leta, and I’m a dumbass. But you can get a book for free because I am. Just let me know.