A Willful Romantic by Darrah Glass
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
My absolute favorite in the series so far. I grinned so much and so long while reading this that my face hurt for hours afterward. The pace of this book seems to pick up and it moves like a train on a track from one interesting event/circumstance to the next. I loved that as I read, I got more and more wrapped up, and that as we approached the climax of this book, I was so anxious and eager simultaneously that I felt a little light-headed. Henry and Martin just get to me. They get under my skin and make me so happy. Henry is a dork in the best way and Martin is his most perfect support. I love their adolescent EMOSHUNS and the sense that they are probably not entirely unique in their situation but are too dumb/scared to find out. The continued presence of Henry’s Uncle Reggie in this book gives us a breath of fresh air and hope, just like it does for Henry. I loved everything about this book and will read it again when I’m having a down day. It’s going to be the comfort-read of the series, I can tell that much! It just makes me so damn happy!