1. Whore.
2. Male figure saying, “Calm Down.” This basically says that whatever the woman has just said or done is a result of hysteria or overemotionalism and thus invalidates it.
3. Overriding the woman’s self-definition with one the man proclaims more appropriate. And a demeaning one at that. Determining that the male way of doing something is the only ‘right’ way.
4. The Fake Geek Girl thing is utter bullshit.
As I said to the man who posted this:
It isn’t funny for a male figure to a) call a woman a whore, b) determine that a woman cannot define herself appropriately because his ability to define her supersedes her own, c) demean a woman’s self from the status of an intelligent human being (nerd) to a whore on the basis of, what? How she looks?
When I see something like this tossed up casually as “too funny”, I realize that we have so far to go. Then again, all I have to do is turn on the news, walk out of my house, and exist in this world as a woman to have that proved time and again.