“A Clean Break picks up right where A Forbidden Rumspringa left off. David and Isaac have just arrived in San Fransisco and are settling in with Isaac’s brother.
While trying to fit in with the English is tough, they do the best they can together and in their own way. David sticks to what he knows – carpentry. He continues with the business he built when he lived with his family, and works hard to keep it. Isaac wants a change and goes to school to earn his GED. I really liked that they chose different paths in their new life. Of course, they want different things for themselves, they’re different people. Now that they’re free to make choices, they went ahead and made them. Especially Isaac. He made a hard choice to put himself out there in school and with meeting new people. He made friends like a pro! Of course, we don’t know his internal struggles, since this was told from David’s POV.
David! David.
Oh, I wanted to smack him silly! He took on way too much. He was too hard on himself and never asked for help. And, guess what, he suffered the consequences. His determination to take care of Isaac and his family showed how much pressure he felt to be the man of the family. He’s still just a kid! While I wanted to smack some sense into him, he didn’t know any better. He didn’t know he could or should ask for help. I think he would have felt ashamed if he had asked too soon, before he proved to himself how much he could do on his own. Well, now he knows, but I’m still worried about what will happen in book 3.”
via Boy Meets Boy Reviews: Review: A Clean Break (Gay Amish Romance #2) by Keira Andrews.