What are your names? And tell us a little about yourselves?
J: I am Jakuta Dagbo, once a storm god in the West African pantheon known as the Orixás, now a tattoo artist at the Midnight Café. After what happened when I was on the human side of the Veil, I’m happy not to have the kind of responsibility I had back then, even if I can’t always let go of my protective nature.
G: My name is Gràinne Bairdie, and I’m a banshee, although now I’m wondering if that’s all I really am. It’s all I could remember—a cold, emotionless life—until recently. I want to feel, want to know if I could be more, even if it kills me to find out.
How did you meet? Was it love at first sight?
J: I could tell a storm was coming, even before Gràinne walked in through the door looking for a tat. I just didn’t know the feeling had nothing to do with the weather.
G: Jakuta was just another piece in my puzzle of self-discovery, until he touched me…
If it wasn’t love at first sight, what changed?
J: You can’t go through what we did together without learning the heart of a person, and what I learned about her just made me want her more, and for forever.
G: I knew what I felt, what I wanted from Jakuta, but how was I to know whether it was real or not? Everything was so new to me.
What do you believe is your worst or most frustrating quality? What about his/hers?
J: Ha! Where do I start? Lack of anger management is obviously my worst flaw, closely followed by impatience and a lack of empathy. Can I stop now? It’s getting a little depressing. As for Gràinne, her lack of trust in me—in what we have together—that’s frustrating as hell.
What is your best quality? What about his/hers?
G: I have no memory of my past, so it’s hard to tell what my best quality is. If I can get my memory back, maybe I can tell you later. But Jakuta, oh, that’s easy. He’s protective, caring, ready to take on any- and everything for me.
If you could have one wish come true, what would it be and why?
J: I think we’d have the same wish—or similar anyway—that Gràinne get her memory and emotions back. Of course, I want her to stay with me too, let me help her through whatever that will bring, but I don’t think that will happen.
Tell us a little about yourself!
I write erotic romance and erotica under the names Anya Richards and Anya Delvay and offer editing services through my website Grammar Goggles. While those things keep me busy, I also have a part-time job as a law clerk too. As a transplant to the Frozen North, winter, more particularly the ice it brings on the ground, is my least favorite time of the year. Ice should be in a glass, with a nice shot of Appleton rum on it, not under my feet!
I have a wonderful husband, three children (who pretend I write religious tracts) a cat, Moe, and a dog, Sable, whose street name is Beansie, which suits her down to the ground. What little spare time I have is taken up with cooking, crafting, reading and, occasionally, sewing, although I don’t do as much of the latter now as I did when I was younger and wanted the latest fashions but didn’t want to spend the money to get them.
From your back catalogue, do you have a secret favorite? If so which book and why?
I have to confess that, while I love Fleeing Fate, which is the first book in the Unveiled Seductions series, I really, really love the second book, Stone-Hard Passion. It was the first time I’d written a hero like Vidar or, for that matter, a heroine like Jasmina. As the book unfolded I just became more and more invested in them and their happiness, wanting, so very badly, to make it come out right for them in the end, despite all the obstacles. The reality is, if I can’t feel my characters as I write, if I don’t like them, that book doesn’t get finished, so being invested in the people I create isn’t new. What was new with these two was just how real they became to me, and how much I craved their HEA.
What’s next for you?
Well, I just got an acceptance for the third book in the Unveiled Seductions series, Dragon’s Claim, and I’m working on the fourth book, which has the working title Jaguar in the Sun. I’m also very excited to be a part of a humorous erotic anthology, Fondled and Gobbled. The first book, Someone Had To Do It, was released on February 6th, and the second, Going Back for Seconds, will be out on February 22nd. The Cabal of Hotness, as we call ourselves (*grin*) are also under contract for another round of anthologies, so it’s all very exciting. To get an idea of how all the craziness came to be, you can check out the “primer” here, and please stop by and visit our group page.
Jakuta Dagbo knows bad weather’s approaching, even though the sky above the faie world is clear. And when Gràinne Bairdie walks into The Midnight Café wanting an arcane tattoo, he realizes the tempest raging into his life has nothing to do with wind and rain. Just one look at her brings his storm god libido, and the protective instincts he no longer trusts, to thundering life.
Gràinne is a banshee on the run, desperate to claim the emotions she’s sure are rightfully hers and has no time to explore the sparks of need flying between herself and Jakuta. What she’s trying to do will bring the wrath of the Banshee Council down on her head, and she knows they’ll do anything to stop her.
Yet, as Gràinne and Jakuta peel back the layers of their lives, searching for the answers she needs, they can’t ignore the lightning-hot passion searing their blood. And when desire reaches its apex, demanding complete surrender to the cyclone of desire, neither can resist. Even if it means Gràinne’s banshee wail of release will be her last.
Anya Richards
Journeys Through Seduction
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