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Leta Blake
author. human. working hard to become stellar at life.
North’s Pole
Punching the V-Card
Cowboy Seeks Husband
Mr. Christmas
Mr. Frosty Pants
Mr. Naughty List
Mr. Jingle Bells
My December Daddy
Any Given Lifetime
Training Season
Training Season
Training Complex
Wake Up Married
Will & Patrick Wake Up Married, Episodes 1 – 3
Will & Patrick Wake Up Married, Eps 4 – 6
Will & Patrick’s Endless Honeymoon
Smoky Mountain Dreams
The River Leith
The Difference Between
Stay Lucky
Bring On Forever
Heat of Love
White Heat
Slow Heat
Alpha Heat
Slow Birth
Winter’s Truth
Bitter Heat
Winter’s Heart
Heat for Sale
Heat for Sale
Bully for Sale
Raise Up, Heart
Gay Fairy Tales
Omega Mine: Search for a Soulmate
Any Given Lifetime
Angel Undone
New Adult
’90s Universe
My Skin Begs You Please
90’s Coming of Age
Pictures of You
You Are Not Me
Only You
Titres autonomes
À l’ombre de Smoky Mountain Dreams
Dans n’importe quelle vie
La chute de l’ange
Le coeur ne ment pas
Le Retour de Leith
Monsieur Frosty
Monsieur Naughty
Saison d’entrainement
Centre d’entrainement
Entraînement: Intégrale
La montée de la passion: Passion #1
La passion de l’Alpha: Passion #2
Une passion amère: Passion #3
Se réveiller mariés
Will & Patrick (se réveiller mariés : épisode 1)
Will & Patrick rencontrent la famille ( se réveiller mariés : épisode 2)
Will & Patrick traversent les fêtes ( se réveiller mariés : épisode 3)
Will & Patrick combattent leurs sentiments ( se réveiller mariés : épisode 4)
Will & Patrick rencontrent la mafia: se réveiller mariés #5
La fin heureuse de Will & Patrick: se réveiller mariés #6
La lune de miel de Will & Patrick: Se réveiller mariés #7
Se réveiller mariés: Intégrale
Lévitation: un conte de fées gay
Envol : un conte de fées gay
Vers la vie adulte
Vers la vie adulte #1
Vers la vie adulte #2
Titoli indipendenti
North’s Pole: Un pacco per Natale
Cowboy cerca marito
Vespertine : Edizione italiana
Smoky Mountain Dreams: Edizione italiana
In ogni singola vita
Un uomo fortunato
Un fiume in piena
Le Differenze
La leggerezza del principe
Rise: Una favola gay
’90s Coming of Age – Versione italiana
Ritratti Di Te (’90s Coming of Age Vol. 1)
Tu non sei me (’90s Coming of Age Vol. 2)
Calore d’Amore
Slow Heat: Calore Inatteso
Calore Proibito
Calore Amaro
Calore in vendita
Calore in vendita
Home for the Holidays – Versione italiana
Cuore di ghiaccio (Home for the Holidays Vol. 1)
La lista dei cattivi (Home for the Holidays Vol.2)
La stagione dell’allenamento
Training Season: La stagione dell’allenamento
Training Complex: Il complesso dell’allenatore
Svegliarsi sposati
Svegliarsi sposati (Wake Up Married Vol. 1)
Svegliarsi sposati 2 & 3: Will e Patrick incontrano la famiglia (Wake Up Married 2 & 3)
Svegliarsi sposati 4 & 5: Will e Patrick combattono i loro sentimenti – Will e Patrick incontrano la mafia (Wake Up Married 4& 5)
Svegliarsi sposati: Il lieto fine di Will e Patrick – La luna di miele infinita di Will e Patrick (Vol 6 & 7) (Wake up married)
Die einbändige
Auch in diesem Leben
Das Herz findet immer einen Weg
Heat for Sale – Deutsche
Mr Frosty Pants (German)
Mr. Naughty List (German)
Smoky Mountain Dreams – Deutsche Version
Stay Lucky– Deutsche
Vespertine: Der Priester und der Rockstar
In der Hitze der Liebe
Langsame Hitze
Langsame Geburt
Bittere Hitze
Training Season – Deutsche Version
Training Season – Deutsche
Training Complex – Deutsche
Überraschend … verheiratet!
Überraschend … verheiratet! (Wake up Married 1)
Überraschend … verliebt! (Wake up Married 2)
Will & Patrick: Endlose Flitterwochen: Wake up Married Bonusstory
Sueños en las Montañas Humeantes
My World A Few Weeks Ago
April 25, 2013