Once upon a time, in what now feels like a kingdom far, far away, Leta Blake had never published a book. Her pal, Keira Andrews, said, “Let’s do a series of re-imagined fairy tales together and sell them to a publisher!” And Leta said, “Oh, wow! That sounds super fun!”
Thus, Leta eagerly set about scribbling her very first book. (Well, her very first book that didn’t turn into a four book series that still isn’t done yet.) She found inspiration for her leading man in George MacDonald’s fairytale The Light Princess. The idea of a beautiful prince lacking in physical and emotional gravity seemed too fun an opportunity to pass up.
Leta named her little book Levity and even managed to keep it under the word count the publisher required for a novella. Keira added her bits, and they were both quite pleased with the outcome. The publisher seemed to like it, too. Except they didn’t like the title. They said Levity wasn’t sexy enough, readers wouldn’t like it, no one would buy it, etc. So with tears in her eyes, Leta agreed to call the tale Earthly Desires.
Then came the publisher’s cover. It was dark and brooding, with headless, muscled torsos, and an ominous vibe. The publisher said, “Too bad, so sad!” when Leta and Keira argued, “This cover is really inappropriate for the book. It sets completely wrong expectations about what will be inside.” It can’t be stressed enough that Leta cried real tears over that cover. Hot, angry, sad tears.
(Leta’s first experience with dealing with a publishing house wasn’t very awesome. *ahem* This might have something to do with why she self-publishes now.)
Cue the passing of three years and the publisher finally gave Leta and Keira their rights back to this little story! (And the other stories in this series, too! The second tale, Rise, based on Jack & the Beanstalk, has been out since last spring. The third tale, Flight, based on The Twelve Dancing Princesses, will be re-released in October!) And it is with great joy that we announce the new (old) title and brilliant new cover for this sexy, silly, whimsical fairy tale!
May it live happily ever after!
Now Available

Then one fateful day, his tenuous tie to the earth is severed and he blows away on the wind. He’s rescued by Dmitri, a handsome young woodsman who suffers from a mysterious curse of his own, and the two strangers are irresistibly drawn together. Experiencing sex and love for the first time, they dive into a delightfully sensual and passionate affair.
But the evil witch who cursed them is planning her ultimate revenge. Efrosin and Dmitri must fight to find their fairy tale ending and live happily ever after.
Previously released in 2012 as Earthly Desires.
Available Now