I’m so happy to see our world changing with regards to love bit by bit every single day. The fact that this kiss was aired by ESPN without any excuses or backpedaling or censorship or shock value makes my friggin’ day!
author. human. working hard to become stellar at life.
by Leta
I’m so happy to see our world changing with regards to love bit by bit every single day. The fact that this kiss was aired by ESPN without any excuses or backpedaling or censorship or shock value makes my friggin’ day!
by Leta
A friend of mine suggested to me that I watch Pat & Billy vlogs on YouTube awhile back when I was having a bad day. She guaranteed that these videos would cheer me up and bring me joy. Oh my gosh, you guys, seriously, these vids have become my absolute go-to videos for feeling good.
So, let me walk you through some highlights so you can also fall in love with them and start to follow them on YouTube (and Twitter and Instagram) like I have. *cough*
1. How they met which is a charming, wonderful, sweet, and awwww-my-heart story. (Though please ignore the one moment of ableism which they at least seemed to catch and cut off quickly.)
2. How they got engaged. Loved it because it was realistic and not some over-the-top story of full-on dance numbers and hot air balloon rides.
3. Their discussion of PDA and if they do PDA and why or why not.
4. Will they take each other’s last name? This one isn’t so much darling as just really interesting. As a woman, I had so many of these same issues when I got married. I liked seeing dudes struggle with this.
5. And they answer with charm and hilarious adorableness the really annoying question of “Who is the bride?”
6. Pat and Billy react to the many outraged reactions to their announcement that they were not going to have a traditional tiered wedding cake. Hilarious! Adorable! Too cute!
Now, admit it! You love them, too! Go forth and follow them on social media far and wide! Do not follow them in person, though, because that’s creepy.