I’ve had a pretty dang busy year in 2016 and it looks like it’s going to continue to be a doozy!
First, in Part 1, let’s talk about what’s been happening, and then, in Part 2, coming soon, I’ll share a little about what is going to happen over the rest of the year!
- Let’s lead with my latest release!
Angel Undone is a short novella that was originally penned for an angel-themed anthology that the publisher canceled before releasing. I always loved the story, though, and after sitting on it for a few years, I decided it was finally time that it saw the light of day. It’s funny, irreverent, and the opposite of “inspirational fiction”. I discussed the inspiration for the story at Joyfully Jay Reviews and you can read about that HERE.
“Once again, as she often does so eloquently, Leta Blake poked me right in the feels, and I’m not even sorry about it.” Lisa Horan, The Novel Approach
“Recommended mainly because it’s Leta. But also, because it’s entertaining, blasphemously sexy, and thought provoking.” – Back Porch Reader
“Five-plus stars. ♥ “ – Dog-Eared Daydreams
Currently available at Amazon, Kobo, B&N, iTunes, and Smashwords.
- What books do I currently have available in Kindle Unlimited?
I have a few books available in Kindle Unlimited right now. Most recently, I’ve added The River Leith for a spin! You can see all the books I have in KU below:
Previously released in 2012 as Earthly Desires. - What’s the latest on the Wake Up Married serial?
Everyone loves Will & Patrick and I get a lot of messages asking me what’s next with them. I’ll cover that more in Part 2, but for now, I’m happy to say that the Wake Up Married serial is currently available at multiple retailers.
There are deal bundles available to make it more affordable!
***That about covers the current situation with me and my books. I’ll let you know in Part 2 what to expect from me this upcoming year! Thanks for your readership and support! I am grateful for every last one of you!
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