“This book was such a awesome addition to this series! This is not a stand alone so you need to read the first book in the series before you read this one.
So in this book Patrick gets to meet Will’s family and let me say Will’s mom gives a new meaning to mother-in-law from hell. Patrick is his usually snarky self with everyone which I loved! There is just something about his character that draws me in and has me laughing so hard at the things he says. Then there was poor Will I just want him to honestly get over Ryan and realize what a jerk he is.
The sexual tension between these two was off the charts in this book. So many times I just wanted to yell through the book and tell them to just get it on already because you know they are going to be so hot together when they do. I really do not want to say much more because this book you have really got to read for yourself because it was just so good! I will say these two authors have drawn me into this story of Patrick and Will so much that I am on the edge of my seat waiting for the next book in this series to see more of these two characters together and what will happen next.
All together I really loved this book! I would definitely recommend this book!
I received this book free in exchange for an honest review from Inked Rainbow Reads.”

Meeting the family is challenging for every new couple. But for Will and Patrick, the awkward family moments only grow more hilarious—and painful—when they must hide the truth of their predicament from the people they care about most.
Throw in the sexual tension flaring between them, uncomfortable run ins with Will’s all-too-recent ex-boyfriend, an overprotective mobster father, and a mafia spy tailing them around Healing, South Dakota, and you’ve got a recipe for madcap laughs and surprisingly heartwarming feels.
Episode 2 of 6 in the Wake Up Married serial.