It has been occurring to me lately that I’m almost forty. That’s not so very old, but it’s not so very young either. The time has passed for letting life slide by me without planning or effort, belief in years to come in which stuff will just simply ‘snap into place’ for me is no longer reasonable. Life has taught that, yes, sometimes good things just fall into your lap, but sometimes you have to decide to make them happen, too.
And so, it has come to this. Unless I actually admit in some real way to the twenty-five things I most want to do before I die, then I might not even know what they might before it is too late. I’d hate to be too old to travel and realize, “Gosh, it’s only just now occurred to me that I’d have liked to see Paris in springtime.”
Another thought that occurs to me about owning up to Twenty Five Things I Want To Do Before I Die–this is such an intimate question! I’m not sure I can answer it with complete honesty in this public space. The truth is there are things I want to do that are so incredibly unlikely simply because of a lack of talent or ability that it is embarrassing to admit to longing for it. But, hey, vulnerability is a good thing, right?
So, I’m starting a series of twenty-five things I want to do before death. Once a week for 25 weeks, I’ll post one of the things I want to do. I’m vowing to be as honest and vulnerable as possible, though I am not vowing to post them in order of importance, because that would be too difficult and lack spontaneity.
See you next Tuesday with the first one.