Almost everyone has some kind of creepy-crawly they react to irrationally. For my mother-in-law it is all insects and arachnids and most varmints, too. For my daughter, it seems to be spiders that set her off. My husband gets the heebie-jeebies from camel crickets. Whereas for me? It’s silverfish. *shudders* I hate them. Ugh. Show me a spider and I’m unimpressed, but show me a freaking silverfish and I’m irrational. “Get it out, get it away, ugh, ugh, ugh!”
This post is brought to you by a silverfish in my bathtub this morning. That sucker has now been sent on a merry journey down the drain to the sewer where he can make gross, horrible, shudder-worthy friends far from me.
In other news, I saw these pretty vintage postcards when looking for a picture of silver fish (not silverfish–which I won’t post a picture of, because, ew! who wants to see that?).

Do you have any creepy-crawlies you can’t handle?