So, conventions. A lot of writers go to them and I’m considering attending a one or more this year.The main problem for me is a limited number of vacation days, especially since I’ve got health problems (migraines) that lead to way too many missed days in the office, and the guilt regarding rounding up childcare so that I can be away. I guess my question becomes, “Is it worth it?”
As a writer, what is the main reason for attending one of the conventions? The one at the top of my list right now is GayRomLit Retreat, which will be held in Atlanta this year. That’s a hop, skip and a jump from me. My husband says if there is a writing work-related benefit to attending and “if you can find a non-scary person to room with” (heh, watch him cut to the chase!) then I should attend and he’d help me arrange childcare.
If I am going to attend a convention (or three)–which ones are most recommended? What is the benefit? What is the best part? Have you seen a true difference in terms of your writing work come out of attending the conventions and, if so, can you explain that a little in the comments? I’d really love to have a better understanding of the conventions. I know they are supposed to be fun, but missing work and putting my entire family out for childcare so that I can have fun is emotionally hard for me. Especially when I already do that in order to find writing time to begin with.
So, experienced con attendees. Hit me up with your thoughts! Share your experiences! I’d really appreciate it! 🙂